This is the second post in the series of theI Live Second: 365 Ways of Making Jesus First blogger launch.

Live Second is a daily devotional book  that makes me take action on having a better relationship with God and truly live an awesome life for Christ.

I wanted to discuss the section of the book entitled, Undeserved.

God gave His son so I am already forgiven.

All our sins were forgiven when Jesus died on the cross; He already paid for our sins.

Why are we forgiven?

Romans 10:9 says

“Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Once I gave my life to Christ, it is up to me take hold of the gifts that he has given me.  I have to reach out and grab it.

There is no sin to little or to big. All sin is equal in God’s eyes.  Please do not get caught up in condemnation.  If you feel you have sinned, repent and ask God for forgiveness In Jesus Name, and don’t look back. You are forgiven. It seems to be too simple, that there has to be something more. But that is the way God has designed it. It is so simple that anyone can take part in it.

I know that my worst critic is me.  If I wanted to really  feel undeserving of anything in life, all I  would say I am never good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, not small enough. Why did I eat that? , Why did I say that?  It was negativity because I felt that no matter what I did, I was never good enough. My husband told me you have to stop that because you are so hard on yourself that you can’t see the grass for the trees. Lack of self confidence, Lack of self worth was me. It was me.

I prayed, “Lord I cast this care on you, I am somebody I am formed in your image.” I had to repeat those positive affirmations to myself everyday and I still do.

God’s word says that I made you perfectly and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)

When I would be undeserving of myself, it was as if I told God that He messed up when he made me.

God loved me (and us) enough that He gave His only Son.

I replaced those negative thoughts with God’s word. When that negativity creeps in, I have to cast those imaginations down because that is not of God.

I am deserving and I Am Second.