The holidays are just around the corner so soon it will be the new year. Who likes setting goals and resolutions? They are great to do, and we always start off so well, right? By the end of March, though, sometimes our good intentions for change have fizzled out. Here are just a few tips that should help you to stick to those goals that you have. The start of a new year is the perfect time for a change.

Eat Little & Often
A lot of us make goals of weight loss right after the holidays, and it does make complete sense. We may have indulged over Christmas and want to feel fresh and less sluggish. Starving yourself or skipping meals is not the answer, though!

Eating smaller meals more often, will help control blood sugar levels. This will keep your energy up and stop you reaching for some sugar. You will feel so much more energized! Smaller meals more often will also help you to control your portion sizes. That is a great way to help shift a few pounds.

string beans and potatoes

String beans and potatoes make a great meal option!

Make Some Changes
Sometimes, goals like running a marathon, or losing 20lbs, can take a long time. Sometimes we feel that we need some more immediate results. Making a change or two can help you feel like a new person. How about getting a new hairstyle or dye your hair a colour that you’ve always wanted to try? It could be as simple as getting a new outfit. A change can help you feel good until longer changes like weight loss, happen.

You could even consider a form of cosmetic surgery if you felt that was appropriate for you. As a woman, if you feel anxious about talking to a male surgeon, you could request a consultation with a female plastic surgeon instead.

Keep a Food Journal
A food journal is a great way to monitor what you eat and drink. You should make a note of your exercise too. When you are accountable and have to read through what you have eaten that day, it will help you to use control. It can also help you to stop over snacking or from eating just because you’re bored.

Another great thing to include in the food journal is how you felt. If you wrote that you weren’t particularly hungry, it could stop you eating out of habit. Sometimes you might grab a candy bar at the gas station out of habit. You probably aren’t even hungry when you buy it. Writing it all down will help you to realize this and help you become healthier.

Drink More Water
It may sound easier said than done, but it is so important. One way to help you improve how much water you drink is always to have a filled water bottle with you. Have it by you at work, or in the car or your bag. If you always see the bottle, you will remember to drink from it.

All the best to you and your new goals to a better you!

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