Tummy troubles are something common to all of us, and most of the time they are nothing to worry about. From stomach-ache to having wind, there are usually simple reasons behind our complaints.
Use this guide as a basis for the causes of some common problems. However, we aren’t qualified to give medical advice, so always see a professional, such as a doctor or dietician, for further information.

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Gallstones are small deposits that can form in your gallbladder, normally as a result of a high-cholesterol diet or a chemical imbalance in your bile. Symptoms include short, sharp bursts of pain under your ribs, a yellowing of the skin, and dark colored urine.
You can prevent the risk of gallstones by eating a healthy diet to reduce cholesterol. Regular exercise will also help. It’s possible to get rid of gallstones naturally, such as drinking a quart of apple juice a day to soften the stones and flush them from your body. Your doctor will be able to spot gallstones using an x-ray, so don’t delay in seeking advice. Surgery is rarely required, though you may need an endoscopy for persistent blockages.

Also known as gastric flu, this inflammation of your stomach and intestines is brought about by the norovirus or bacterial food poisoning. Symptoms include high temperatures, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
You won’t normally need medical treatment, but if the symptoms last longer than a few days, you should go and see your doctor. There are natural oils that can help relieve nausea, without the need to buy over the counter medication.  You are advised to drink plenty of water and eat bland, easy to digest foods until you start to feel better.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBS is a common problem that affects millions of people today. There is a dispute over the cause of IBS, but you can read more information here. Symptoms include constant feelings of bloating, stomach cramps, and issues with bowel movement.
IBS is a long-term condition with no full proof cure. However, the symptoms can be alleviated by focussing on a fiber diet, supplemented with probiotics to aid digestive health. Taking more exercise and reducing stress are also known to counteract some of the common symptoms.

Lactose Intolerance
This condition often runs in families and is the inability to absorb lactose from milk and dairy products. Symptoms include feelings of bloating, nausea, stomach cramp, and loose stools after consuming a dairy product.
Your doctor will probably advise you to cut out dairy products for a couple of weeks, as the symptoms may be indicative of another problem, such as IBS. Should you be intolerant to dairy, you should switch to a low-lactose diet, and use food supplements to ensure you get the proper nutrients your body needs.

Final word
We have only touched upon some of the medical conditions that could be causing your stomach problems. Seek medical advice for prolonged symptoms, and consider your lifestyle choices to reduce the chances of you being affected in the future.