It’s good to be busy, but when does it become too much? We all try to fill our hours with as many things as possible and between work, family, and our social lives, we’re all at risk of doing too much. It may not seem obvious at first, but there are some subtle signs that you should look out for to help you realize when it’s time to slow down at work. Looking after your health is important and if you start to experience any of the following, it may be time for you to take a break from work and focus on your wellbeing.

You’re irrationally angry towards others
We all get irritated or angry from occasionally but if you usually have a calm and happy demeanor and start getting angry at others for no reason, you may find that you’re sleep deprived. Your crankiness may not even manifest in direct anger towards others; it could even be getting irritable at someone’s actions or talking about their faults incessantly to others. There are many health benefits of sleep, and if you find yourself regularly missing out on your recommended 8 hours, it’s time to make some changes to your lifestyle.

You’re distracted
Everyone gets distracted from time to time, but starting to forget things on a regular basis can start to be a concern. Being distracted while driving because your mind was somewhere else can be dangerous to you and others and is a sign that you have too much on your mind. Smaller distractions like forgetting things on your groceries list can be remedied through better planning and making lists, but if you do start to get concerned about your memory, you should speak to your doctor to rule out anything more serious. Sometimes a busy day at work is all it takes to help your mind to wander, so perhaps it’s time you booked a day off or took a vacation to help you de-stress and get back on track.

You’re feeling run down
When you’re overtired or stressed your immune system could take a hit, leaving you susceptible to many illnesses and viruses. If you feel like you’ve been suffering from a cold for weeks or you’re feeling a lack of energy, it may be time to slow things down. You should book an appointment with your doctor for an overall health check, in case your low immunity is caused by something else. You can also use practical tips to increase your energy levels easily. Remember that a lack of energy and persistent bouts of illness could be a sign of serious illness and you should keep an eye out for family and friends who might be suffering these sorts of symptoms.

Slowing down and getting help
If you’re starting to notice changes in your behavior or that you’re starting to feel overwhelmed, then it’s time to ask for help. It may be just a simple case of offloading your concerns to a family member or friend or speaking to work about taking a break or sharing some of your responsibilities. Find some relaxing hobbies that you can enjoy after work that will help take your mind off things – cycling is an excellent way to increase your fitness and can help you to de-stress too.

If you suspect that your condition is medically related, you should book an appointment to see a medical professional as soon as possible. Some possible illnesses can show few obvious symptoms, especially some work-related illnesses. If the worst does happen and you find yourself battling a serious illness caused by work, make sure you get the right help. By making sure that you call the right lawyer if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or other condition, you could ease the pressure on your finances while you take a break.

If you feel that work is the main cause of your issues and that you need to take a break, it may be time to reassess your career. Some lines of work are more stressful than others and if you’ve reached a point where it’s getting too much – there’s nothing wrong with giving something else a try.

Nothing is more important than your health, and if work is impacting yours for any reason, it’s time to make a change. Be honest with yourself and find ways of maintaining that all-important work/life balance and keeping yourself fit and healthy.

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